
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

I was interested in becoming a Film hero! Ubqari made me a friend of ALLAH

Ubqari Magazine - February 2020

Safeguard from afflictions: If anybody has put you through afflicted with black magic, you should recite Surah Dukhan 50 times and all the afflictions will be removed with the blessings of ALLAH.

How my life changed?

I was interested in becoming a Film hero! Ubqari made me a friend of ALLAH

Dear readers! By listening to the dars of Hazrat ji on (memory card) or on net etc, lives of many people are changing. Because ISmai Azam is recited with dars, wherever ismai Azam is recited the problems and worries in that house are surprisingly vanish. You should also listen to dars, even for some time but listen it every day. Dars should be present in your house and in your car all the time.

This story is true and original, all the characters in this have been made fictional, and any similarity will be just a co incident. 

I was interested in becoming Sultan Rahi

Respected Hakeem Sahib Asslamo Alaikum! May ALLAH keep your among us and we keep on getting benefit from you Ameen. I want to share my previous and present life with you. I do not understand from where to start. I was in third grade when I watched my first movie, how to went to cinema, this is a separate story. As I grew up I kept on watching movies, but with the blessing of ALLAH when I was in fifth grade I studied Quran, even after completing my metric I kept on going to Moulana sahib to study Quran. I went to Karachi for job, there was nobody to stop me from doing anything, I started to watch movie every day. I developed the interest of becoming like sultan rahi. In short I struggled very hard but could not become successful. Then I moved to Lahore and started working here. I used to go to the studio everyday but moved back to my village after getting tired to these unsuccessful attempts. I started to work with my father but I became attached to the devil and started to do wrong things.

I could not sleep until I did not do any evil act

Watching movie, watching dance and fornication became common for me. I could not sleep until I did not do any evil act. Friendship with the Middlesex, so much so that our group of ten boys everyone used to fear from us, we used to take pride in beating someone, eating form the shops without paying them or eating from any hotel and run away without paying anything. There was a guy in the village I used to steal from him and getting money from him after returning those things to the owner. I used to eat samosas and pakoras with that money (now he has forgiven me). My condition was such that I saved many dirty movies, songs and dances in my mobile. No salah, no Quran, nor any good deed only evil deeds and devil but I used to do my business honestly. I never did any deception to anybody. With the blessings of ALLAH my business was going very successful. But sometimes I used to get tired to the evil deeds; I never used to read any Islamic book even for a short time.

I never went for Salah in 36 years of my life

But digest I used to finish in a day. I never perform my salah in 36 years, at night I used to be with my friend in the center, my family did not know where I was. On the wedding occasions of anybody we used to take the eunuch to the party. Used to arrange for transport, alcohol, food earlier on, watch the dance till 2-3 AM and then go to sleep. Now my age is 38 years, one newspaper seller used to bring me a digest, it was not delivered for one week, he told me that he could not get the digest, I fought with the seller and scolded him a lot, and he kept quiet and did not come afterwards.

Naveed if you would have died, what will become of you?

One day as usual I was watching dirty movies on my mobile, my mobile suddenly shutdown. I turned on my mobile and lied down closing my eyes for some time. One thought passed my mind and I trembled, naveed if you died how you would face ALLAH? Your family will look into your mobile after your death, what will come out of it? What will be found from your pocket? Oh cruel man what will become of you? I was so worried that I was not like this before. I prayed to ALLAH, oh ALLAH please help me; please make me to get in touch with any of your friends. I will become your slave and slave of your beloved prophet SAWAW. Maybe that was the moment of acceptance, my dua was accepted, the same newspaper seller came back after one week and told me that he could not find any digest but here is Ubqari magazine, do not even give me its price. He threw the magazine on the table and ran away as he was scared; I swear that I have not seen him since today after that. I do not know where he went. I looked at Ubqari magazine by turning it sidewise and put it on one side. There was nothing to read so I took it up again after fifteen, twenty minutes to see what was inside Ubqari. I opened the first page and saw your dars, it was about manner to attend toilet, what is the sunnah way to go inside the toilet?

As I kept on reading my heart kept on changing

I kept on reading and my heat kept on changing. I read the whole digest three times, every time something new came to my notice. Same day I went to the Ubqari shop in the city and bought all the previous magazines. I kept on reading and kept on weeping as well, I kept on asking for forgiveness from ALLAH. That day I went to pray the Isha salah first time. I do not know how many rakahs and how to pray. I asked to a madrasa student about it and prayed, did not ask any older person so that he may not insult me as to not knowing about salah. I wept and asked for forgiveness from ALLAH, I kept on weeping and went back to home. I went home early first time, my family was surprised about how I came early, my parents were surprised, wife and kids were surprised, they started to shout that naveed is home early. What happened? Did you have a fight with your friends or your health is not well. Even when I used to go home early it was around about 12 at night.

Enough my heart was changed now

Now my heart changed and I started to pray salah, my fiends made fun of me by saying that after doing so many sins I have turned a good person, tell us who is the next target for this deception? Tell us who is the next target? Would not you tell us? I used to get quiet. Then I stopped going to the center of the town to see my friends. Now I do not go anymore even if I go I just say Sallam to them, that’s it. Your dars was in jahania on 14th February 2012, I could not attend it. I forgot one thing I have all he Ubqari magazines that have been published till now and many of your books are in my study at home and in the office. My wife and kids read your books. Now there is no more digest in the home. Your dars was in Bahawalpoor, I went there listened to you and became your mureed. Now I have friendship with ALLAH and HIS prophet ﷺ. Worries, hurdles, business problems I do not remember what not happened to me.

My wife gave me lot of encouragement

My wife gave me lot of encouragement, do not worry it’s a test. One day she said to me Naveed 

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